
I received two very special pieces of paper this past week.  One was an animated card (a Phenakistoscope) from Shelley Noble — it’s so impressive to see a little card that animates like that!  So well done.  Thanks Shelley!

The second little piece of card was an advance screening pass for Coraline.  I was SO EXCITED to see this show last night that I waited in line an hour and a quarter before it started… and it was a very full house, so I’m glad I did. Chris Landreth (writer / director of Ryan) was there to introduce Neil Gaiman, who in turn introduced the movie and did a Q&A at the end.  I wish there could have been a whole second Q&A for Chris Landreth, but oh well.

I can’t really even describe how much I loved this movie.  So I won’t.  It’s very rare that there’s such delight in the visuals of a movie that tears come to my eyes while watching, and though it’s incredibly cheesy to say, that’s just what happened.  Several times.

The story was amazing, the visuals absolutely magical, and the animation, well…  I feel partly depressed and partly inspired, I guess.  The only thing is, if anyone is reading this, you MUST go see it at a theatre in 3D.  The 3D just adds so much to the experience, and the film is really designed to be seen that way.  Apparently here in TO it is only on 3D screens for the next 3 weeks, as some other silly 3D movie is coming out to take its place.  It’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before (stop motion in 3D!)  Go see it!!!

0 thoughts on “Coraline

  1. Shelley Noble

    You are SOOOOOoooooooo LUCKY! WoW! and getting to see Coraline too!? hee hee!

    Seriously, wow, I really get what you mean about seeing it being at once depressing and inspiring. I really get that that will be my reaction as well.

    It looks for all the world to be a masterpiece. Kudos to the craftsmen involved.

    Thank you for suggesting the 3D version, I will do my best…

  2. Irene Sousa

    LOVED this movie! Saw it in 3D and it was very cool. It made me feel a little like an underachiever tho, the amount of work put into this movie is astounding, especially having seen the effort put into “Little Theatres”, it just blew my mind. Very cool that you got to see Neil Gaiman intro the film!

  3. stephanie dudley

    I hope you got to see it in 3D, Shelley! I was surprised how hard it is to find in the theatres in 3D here — they said it would be on for 3 weeks, but I guess it didn’t do as well as they expected so they brought that 3D horror movie in almost right away to take its place 🙁 boooo.

    Irene — I totally know what you mean! I was certainly blown away by the visuals of the movie, but some of the scenes (the theatre especially!) made me a little glum. BUT I have to remember, they had 500 people working on it, and it took 7 years to make! It certainly helps to have that kind of time / budget…